- APACRS「Impact of preoperative dry eye treatment with intense pulse light with manual meibomian expression on visual outcomes after cataract surgery.(IPLによる術前ドライ治療の白内障術後視機能への効果検証)」:成都(中国)
- ASCRS「Effect of Dry Eye Treatment with 3% Diquafosol Sodium on the Repeatability of Astigmatism Measurement in Preoperative Cataract Patients.(ジクアスLXによる術前ドライアイ治療の白内障術前検査精度への効果検証)」:ボストン(米国)
- APAO「Comparison of time efficiency advantage between femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery and conventional phacoemulsification by classification of cases based on lens density and anterior chamber depth(レーザー白内障手術の手術時間効率の検証)」:バリ(インドネシア)
- Efficacy of preoperative meibomian gland dysfunction-related dry eye treatment with intense pulse light and manual meibomian expression on postoperative tear film stability, ocular surface condition, and visual outcomes after cataract surgery with diffractive trifocal IOL implantation [under review](IPLによる術前ドライ治療の白内障術後視機能への効果検証):Ophthalmology and Therapy
- Effect of Long-Acting Diquafosol Sodium on Astigmatism Measurement Repeatability in Preoperative Cataract Cases with Dry Eyes: A Multicenter Prospective Study(ジクアスLXによる術前ドライアイ治療の白内障術前検査精度への効果検証):Ophthalmology and Therapy

- ESCRS「Comparison of time efficiency between conventional phacoemulsification cataract surgery and femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery depending on nuclear hardness of the cataract and anterior chamber depth level(レーザー白内障手術の手術時間効率の検証(白内障進行度・前房深度による違い))」:ウィーン(オーストリア)
- APACRS「Modified techniques to reduce the incidences of capsulotomy related complications in femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery(レーザー白内障手術の新しいレーザー照射テクニックの治療精度の検証)」:シンガポール
- ASCRS「Intra-patient comparison of effect of capsular tension ring in cataract surgery with hydrophobic single piece intraocular lens in normal eye.(正常眼へCTRの使用した場合の術後眼内レンズポジションへの効果の検証)」:サンディエゴ(米国)
- Modified Technique of Setting Capsulotomy Thickness in Reducing Capsulotomy-Related Complications During Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery: A Prospective, Comparative Cohort Study. (レーザー白内障手術の新しいレーザー照射テクニックの治療精度の検証):Ophthalmology and Therapy
- Replication Study of the Association of GAS6 and PROS1 Polymorphisms with Behçet's Disease in a Japanese Population.(ベーチェット病の関連遺伝子検証):Ocul Immunol Inflamm
- Multiple linear regression model for improving accuracy of capsulorhexis size calculation in femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery for adults: a retrospective single-center study(レーザー白内障手術の精度改善の為の重回帰式の提案):BMC Ophthalmology

- 4月 ASCRS(米国白内障屈折矯正学会):ワシントンDC
- 6月 APACRS(アジアパシフィック白内障屈折矯正学):ソウル
- 9月 ESCRS(欧州白内障屈折矯正手術学会):ミラノ
- 1. The Effect of Rebamipide on Refractive Accuracy of Cataract Surgery in Patients with Dry Eye(掲載ジャーナル:Ophthalmology and Therapy)
- 2. Impact of perioperative dry eye treatment with rebamipide versus artificial tears on visual outcomes after cataract surgery in Japanese population(掲載ジャーナル:Ophthalmology and Therapy)
- APAO (Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology):クアラルンプール(マレーシア)
- ASCRS (American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeon):ラスベガス(米国)
- APACRS (Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract & Refractive Surgeon):シンガポール
- ESCRS (European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeon):アムステルダム(オランダ)
- Effects of rebamipide on differences in power and axis of corneal astigmatism between two intra-patient keratometric measurements in dry eyes :Ophthalmology and Therapy
- Relationship Between Postoperative Intraocular Lens Shift and Postoperative Refraction Change in Cataract Surgery Using Three Different Types of Intraocular Lenses : Ophthalmology and Therapy
- The Effect of Age, Postoperative Refraction, and Pre- and Postoperative Pupil Size on Halo Size and Intensity in Eyes Implanted with a Trifocal or Extended Depth-of-Focus Lens:Clinical Ophthalmology
- APAO [Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology]:アモイ(中国)
- ASCRS [American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeon]:ボストン(米国)
- APACRS [Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract & Refractive Surgeon]:シンガポール
- ESCRS [European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeon]:アムステルダム(オランダ)
- 海外学術誌論文掲載:BMC Ophthalmology
- 海外学術誌論文掲載:Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology
- 海外学術誌掲載:International Medical Case Report Journal
- APAO [Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology]:バンコク(タイ)
- APACRS [Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract & Refractive Surgeon]:京都(日本)
- ESCRS [European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeon]:パリ(フランス)
- 海外学術誌掲載:International Medical Case Report Journal
- APAO [Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology]:香港
- APACRS [Asia-Pacific Association of Cataract & Refractive Surgeon]:チェンマイ(タイ)
- ESCRS [European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeon]:ウィーン(オーストリア)
- 海外学術誌掲載:Clinical Opthalmology
- 海外学術誌掲載:International Medical Case Reports Journal
- ARVO -Asia [The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology-Asia]:ブリスベン(オーストラリア)
- ESCRS [European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeon]:リスボン(ポルトガル)
- ARVO [The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology]:シアトル(アメリカ)